
We are glad to receive your communication proposals, title and a short summary, result of your academic, empirical or theoretical research activity, as well as points of view of the practitioners subsumed to the general theme of the conference.


Tuesday, 11/16/21

Challenges for young people in a changing labor market
Chair: CSI A. Preoteasa (RIQL)

Technological trends, social well-being and employment
Natalia Zakharova (Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Science, Belarus)

The determinants of NEETS in Romania, an analysis using the Labour Force Survey
Buligescu Bianca (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)
Simona Ilie (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)
Sebastian Țoc (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

Policies for NEETs inclusion – Youth Guarantee implementation in Romania
Claudia Petrescu (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)
Adriana Neguț (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)
Flavius Mihalache (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

Platform-based food-delivery work and COVID-19 crisis in Romania: flexibility, temporal changes and work life balance
Delia Bădoi (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)
Ana Maria Preoteasa (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)
Filip Alexandrescu (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

At work with gender education in Romania: between neo-liberal anti-gender rhetoric and graduate perceptions
Diana Elena Neaga (Nicolae Titulescu University/ NAGE)

Tuesday, 11/16/21

Socio-economic inequalities: between ideology and reality
Chair: L. Pop (Univ. of Bucharest), CSII D. Arpinte (RIQL)

Ideologies of inequality and their effects on social cohesion
Bottyan Zsolt (University of Oradea)

Social Inequality and Poverty in Democracy
Ionel Dobre (University of Craiova)

Gender mainstreaming approach in public policies in Romania – Gender equality as a transformation of norms and empowerment
Luminița Popescu (National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men, Bucharest)

Social polarization and economic inequality: An analysis of the impact of communist and neoliberal policies on the quality of life of the Romani community in Romania
Miruna Pandele (Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca)

The limits of the economic growth in tackling social exclusion in Romania
Daniel Arpinte (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

Income Inequality and Public Debt in European Union in the Period 2011-2019
Alina Georgeta Ailincă (Centre for Financial and Monetary Research „Victor Slăvescu”, Romanian Academy)

The impact of governmental policy responses to COVID-19 on social inequalities in Romania
Luana Pop (University of Bucharest)

Income policies through the lens of the Gini index
Simona Ilie (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

Social cohesion- a challenge of post- pandemic society
Veronica Dumitrașcu (Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy)

Tuesday, 11.16.21

The challenges of the COVID 19 pandemic: social and demographic risks
CSI M. Voicu (RIQL), CSI S. M. Stănescu (RIQL), CSIII C. Berescu (RIQL)

Application of Calendar Methods in Social Studies: Exploring the Dynamic of Experiences of Working Parents during Covid-19          
Ilina Nacheva (Institute for Population and Human Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Tsvetelina Panchelieva (Institute for Population and Human Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)

Social inequality and excess mortality in times of pandemic
Alexandra Deliu (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)
Mălina Voicu (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

The Ethics of Care in the political agenda of MPs under the pandemic crisis
Elena Spiridon (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

The welfare state challenges during pandemic
Mălina Voicu (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)
Cristina Tomescu (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

Dynamics of natality in Romania after 1990
Simona Stănescu (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)
Simona Mihaiu (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

The development of a family multi-level transformative and generative resilience theoretical model
Sorana Mocanu (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

Effects of Emigration on Roma Families Left-Behind in North-Eastern Bulgaria
Yelis Erolova (Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)

Facts and perceptions: COVID-19 impact in informal Roma settlements in Serbia and Romania
Zlata Vuksanović-Macura (Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić”, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts)
Cătălin Berescu (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)                                                

Wednesday, 11.17.21

Challenges for social inclusion: family, gender, social services
Chair: CSI prof. E. Zamfir (RIQL), PhD Student C. Drăgan (RIQL)

Economic and social inequalities: challenges for poverty alleviation and social inclusion policies
Elena Zamfir (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

Gender Inequalities in the contemporary family      
Florența-Larisa Simion (National University of Political Science and Public Administration, Bucharest)

The balance of personal life – professional life among young people in Bucharest An intra-pandemic and post-pandemic perspective
Diana-Maria Despina (UNIBUC, Bucharest)

Social youth policy of Belarus in the context of modern social polarization 
Maria Viarenich (Institute of Philosophy National Academy of Sciences of Belarus)

The importance of providing socio-emotional support in a pandemic and emergency situation – an approach from the perspective of clinical sociology
Cornelia Prioteasa (SCOSAAR Bucharest)

Challenges, strategies, and solutions to combat domestic violence as a form of gender-based violence
Monaliza Cîrstea (National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men, Bucharest)

The evolution of the costs generated by domestic violence, longitudinal study on the data provided by the social services in Romania.
Corina Drăgan (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

Social impact procurement – instrument for social economy development in Romania
Claudia Petrescu (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)
Mihaela Lambru (University of Bucharest)
Gabriel Stănilă (Center for Not-for-profit Law)

Wednesday, 11/17/21

Challenges of aging: health and the labor market
Chair: CSI I. Precupețu (RIQL)

Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy and refusal in Romania
Oana Lup (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu)
Elena Cristina Mitrea (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu)

The health of the human microbiome as a way of increasing the quality of life
Simona Bostan (West University of Timișoara)
Mihaela Gavrila-Ardelean (Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad)

Health status of old age people in Romania in the context of Covid-19 pandemic
Cosmina Pop

Equal opportunities beyond disabilities: Leaving no one behind in media accessibility research
Pilar Orero (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Anna Matamala (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Labour market challenges for workers with chronic illnesses – a conceptual and analytical framework
Adela Popa (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu)
Anca Bejenaru (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu)
Cristina Mitrea (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu)
Felicia Morândău (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu)
Livia Pogan (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu)

Digital Divide in Post-Pandemic World: New Dimensions and Key Drivers
Elena Lebedeva (Belarusian State University)

Lonely in a crowd: The role of events and transitions for older people’s experience of exclusion from social relations
Franziska Rothe (NOVA, Olso Metropolitan University)

Bridging the age-based digital divide among Romanian elderly people
Gyöngyvér Erika Tőkés (Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Cluj-Napoca)

Wednesday, 11/17/21

The challenges of international migration: theoretical underpinnings and realities of the 21st century
Chair: : CSII M. Șerban (RIQL), CSII S. Ilie (RIQL)

The concept of habitus in migration studies. A systematic literature review.
Rosa Maria Radogna (University of Bucharest)
Raluca Popescu (University of Bucharest)

Building School Community as a Students Resilience Tool Third Culture Kids living in Romania
Dana Lev (University of Bucharest)

Immigrants` integration and future intentions in an emigration country – Romania
Livia Pogan (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu)

Return Migration: the Main Challenges of Reconnecting to the Romanian Society
Diana-Alexandra Vîlcu (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

Transnational parenthood and nationalistic voting
Ana Maria Dima (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

Migration and elderly care work in Italy. Three stories about Romanian “badanti”
Sebastian Țoc (National University of Political Science and Public Administration/ Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)
Dinu Guțu (National University of Political Science and Public Administration, Bucharest)

Welfare brokers and EU Free Movers’ Access to European Social Citizenship
Alexandra Voivozeanu (Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies, Belgium)

Challenges of reintegration for Romanian return migrants who worked abroad in agriculture 
Alin Croitoru (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu) 
Ionela Vlase (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu) 

Are the guest-worker programmes still effective? Insights from Romanian migration to Spanish agriculture
Monica Şerban (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)
Yoan Molinero-Gerbeau (The Spanish National Research Council, Spain)
Alexandra Deliu (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

Wednesday, 11/17/21

Risks and inequalities in education
Chair: CSII G. Neagu (RIQL)

Perspectives on the relationship between the use of video games and the learning outcomes of adolescents in the pandemic time– a qualitative study
Gabriel-Constantin Nicola (University of Oradea)  

Students’ use of ICT and learning – A qualitative study
Mirela Cosma (University of Oradea)

School climate. Perception of inequalities by middle school and high school students in Romania
Sergiu-Lucian Raiu (Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava)
Ágnes Dávid-Kacsó (Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj)
Ioana Orzea (National College „Negru Vodă”, Făgăraș)
Maria Roth (Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj)

Rural-Urban Inequalities in Education
Sergiu Țâră (University Politehnica, Bucharest)

Cazul preșcolarilor proveniți din grupuri dezavantajate
Réka Nagy (University of Oradea)

Curricular innovation for equal chances of success. The role of universities in offering inclusive and qualitative educational opportunities
Alexandru-Mihai Carțiș (University of Bucharest)
Education and social inclusion policies
Florina Cristina Glăvan (National University of Political Science and Public Administration, Bucharest)

Thursday, 11/18/21

New inequalities and governance today
Chair: PhD Student R. Hoinaru (Queen Mary University of London)

Diversifying inequalities
Elisabeta Florescu (The Millennium Project)

Social restructuring in current context
Ramona Piscoi (Ghit) (University of Oradea)

The possibility of an accounting for public at large
Razvan Hoinaru (Queen Mary University of London)
Colin Haslam (Queen Mary University of London)
Daniel Nițoi (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

Audit as a social mechanism for public trust: dichotomic views
Oana Stănilă (FABIZ, Bucharest)
Paul Păcuraru (University of Economic Studies, Bucharest)
Daniela Neamțu (University Stefan cel Mare, Suceava)

Romania’s (New) Social Contract – Lessons from the crisis and the pandemic
Cornelia Dumitru (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

Thursday, 11/18/21

The government response to COVID-19 pandemic: vulnerable groups and health policies
Chair: CSIII I. Anghel (RIQL)

The opinion of the UE people regarding the measures taken by the governments against the coronavirus pandemic
Maria Livia Ștefănescu (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

Institutions responsible for the management of the COVID-19 crisis in vulnerable communities in Romania: the results of a qualitative research
Anca Monica Marin (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)
Manuela Sofia Stănculescu (World Bank – Romania)

The attitude of the EU families with minor children regarding the restrictive anti-Covid measures
Maria Livia Ștefănescu (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)
Adina Mihăilescu (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

Financial resources for Romanian medical system at the pandemic beginning
Mariana Stanciu (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

European Health Systems – National Health Systems’ Clusters and Policies Challenges Regarding Universal Access
Teodor Gh. Negruț (West University of Timișoara)

Social protection policies at the crossroads during the Covid-19 pandemic
Ionut-Marian Anghel (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

Thursday, 11/18/21

Rural development in Romania: opportunities and challenges 
Chair: CSII I. Stănescu (RIQL)

Rural development in Romania since 1990: key trends and challenges
Iulian Stănescu (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

Asistența socială în mediul rural Social Work in Rural Communities – Particularities, Perspectives, and Directions of Interventions
Oana-Elena Radacina (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu)

Context variables in the evolution of birth rate in suburban areas of the Ciuc Depression. Methodological aspects
Bogdan Constantin Holirca

Poverty in rural areas
Horia Mihai (SCOSAAR, Bucharest)

Social stratification in rural Romania
Mihai Dumitru (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

Typologies of underdevelopment: actors, mechanisms, factors
Mihnea Preotesi (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)
Cristina Tomescu (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

The New Common Agricultural Policy – implications and opportunities for Romanian farmers
Daniel Buda (Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca)

Local development in rural areas through public programs. A case study at microregional level
Flavius Mihalache (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

Contemporary society and religious behaviour in rural Romania; the influences of the Pandemic
Laurențiu D. Tănase (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

Thursday, 11/18/21

Quality of life: COVID-19 impact and methodological aspects
Chair: CSII S. Fitzek (RIQL)

Fear in the East. The determinants of Covid 19 fear in Central and Eastern Europe
Șerban Olah (University of Oradea)

Conspiracy theory beliefs among Romanian undergraduate students
Elena Cristina Mitrea (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu)
Oana Lup (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu)

Trends in the food consumption behavior of Romanians determined by Covid-19
Alexandra Iulia Băloi (National University of Political Science and Public Administration, Bucharest)

Vulnerabilities and subjective indicators of the quality of life of Romanians in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic
Sebastian Fitzek (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

Socioeconomic inequalities in exchange of intergenerational support in a pandemic context
Mihaela Hărăguș (Centre for Population Studies, Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca)
Paul Teodor Hărăguș (FSSW, Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca)

Transformation of sociality in the post-view era
Natalia Lazarevich (Institute of Philosophy, NAS Belarus)

Preparing for the Aftermath of COVID-19, IRIS (Inclusion, Resilience, Innovation and Sustainability). An action to address social vulnerabilities, polarization and inequalities
Roxana Carmen Girip (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)

The Impact of Music on Social Values
Marios Joannou Elia (European Academy of Sciences and Arts)

The conceptual model of quality of life. A critical review    
Iuliana Precupețu (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)

Friday, 11/19/21

Determinants and consequences of inequality in health across Europe
Chair: M. Manoilă (RIQL) & Momoko Nishikido (CED, Barcelona)

Socioeconomic inequalities in health status and survival: findings from the Rome Longitudinal Study
Luca Dei Bardi (Sapienza University of Rome / Dept. of Epidemiology of the Lazio Region)
Enrico Calandrini (Dept. of Epidemiology of the Lazio Region)
Anna Maria Bargagli (Dept. of Epidemiology of the Lazio Region)
Viviana Egidi (Sapienza University of Rome)
Marina Davoli (Dept. of Epidemiology of the Lazio Region)
Nera Agabiti (Dept. of Epidemiology of the Lazio Region)
Giulia Cesaroni (Dept. of Epidemiology of the Lazio Region)

Gender and social inequalities in disability-free life expectancy among older adults in Italy. An analysis at regional level
Margherita Moretti (Sapienza University of Rome/ Interdisciplinary Centre on Population Dynamics)
Cosmo Strozza (Interdisciplinary Centre on Population Dynamics, University of Southern Denmark)

Historical trends in the female-male relationship of lifespan variation
Serena Vigezzi (Interdisciplinary Centre on Population Dynamics, University of Southern Denmark)
Virginia Zarulli (Interdisciplinary Centre on Population Dynamics, University of Southern Denmark)

Inequalities in cancer screening attendance among women in Europe
Anna Altova (Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague)

Quantifying the burden of mental disorders by educational attainment in contemporary Spain
Octavio Nicolas Bramajo (Centre d’Estudis Demográfics -CED-CERCA)
How have internal Migrations Changed after the Covid-19 Lockdown in Southern Europe?
Miguel González-Leonardo (-CED-CERCA/ Dept. of Geography, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Antonio López-Gay (Dept. of Geography, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Friday, 11/19/21

Criminality: reintegration and policies
Chair: Prof. M. Tomiță (West Univ. of Timișoara), CSII C. Tomescu (RIQL)

Social Inequalities and Trafficking in Persons
Ciprian Ghițuleasa (prevention officer, Bucharest)

Education in prisons – an essential factor in preventing recidivism. The role of detention officers in the educational process
Alexandru Petre (West University of Timișoara)

Prison education, as solution to the failures of other institutions
Carmen Matei (SCOSAAR, Bucharest)

Ex-detainees facing Discrimination in the Labour Market. A Social Psychological Experiment
Robert Cosmin Popescu (SCOSAAR, Bucharest)

Social exclusion of persons who have committed crimes against property
Marioara Roșu (Roșan) (University of Oradea)

Social and penal policies for preventing violent criminality in Romania
Simona Mihaiu (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)
Simona Maria Stănescu (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy)